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Before the conquest, the Daute district was peopled by the aborigine guanches, from the tribal group of the Ycodes. The Ycodes Canyon marks several places where the first settlers encountered a promising environment of water abundance and forest wealth.

At the end of the XV century, some Mallorcan monks establish themselves at the San Marcos Temple. The colonisers first establish it in a humble factory, where they worship the image of San Marcos, and later on in a temple of better construction.

The first settlers established themselves near the Ycod river, building houses, communication ways and preparing the lands for cultivation, planting vineyards, which gives the district its name. The fertile lands are also destined for the cultivation of sugar cane and cereals. The first industries are created: sugar mills, waterwheels and glass, among others.

The urban structure was definitely formed in the XVII century, obeying the dictates of the religious monastery principles that founded the convents, specially the Augustans and Franciscans.

Due to the agricultural and commercial prosperity and wealth, the population grew and it is named as the capital of Partido de Daute.

Places of Historical Interest

Álvarez House

The Inquisition House (Casa de La Inquisición).

Moresque style, built at the end of the XVII century and at the beginning of the XVIII. It is believed that it housed the Court of the Holy Office.

Los Evora House.

Los Lorenzo Cáceres House

Los Pérez Domínguez House.

Second half of the XVIII century

Los Torres House

León Huerta House.

XVIII century

Padilla or Tabares House

XVII century

Fleytas House

San Antonio Drago

Temple of El Amparo

XVI Century

Las Angustias Temple

XVIII Century. It houses the Virgin of Las Angustias of Mexican baroque style and a painting of the Virgin of Candelaria from the XVIII century

San Antonio Temple

XVII Century

San Felipe Neri Temple

San Agustín Church

XVI century. Moresque roofing, San José rococo altarpiece from 1776. San Cayetano baroque altarpiece, 1687. Baroque chapel of Los Montiel.

Santa Lucía Marquee mansion

End of the XVIII century

Andrés de San Lorenzo Cáceres Plaza

XVI century and enlarged in the XVII and XVIII centuries

La Pila Plaza

With a fountain dating from the XVIII century

San Marcos Parochial Church

Traditional architecture, with gothic elements, Moresque, baroque and neoclassical, built at the end of the XV century, although important reforms were carried out at the beginning of the XIX century. Part of the building is destined as a museum of sacro art. One of its works of higher artistic value is The Cross of Icod ( La Cruz de Icod) (Cuba 1663 – 1668) considered the largest cross of silver and filigree in the world; it measures 2,45 m and weighs 48,300 Kg

Historical Area

A great many of its streets are stoned.


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